Our Projects

The Zonta Club of New Providence host and participates in several Community Projects through the city.


Our WFRP is geared towards unemployed females over the age of 21 years. It exposes them to soft skills training that teach them about Entrepreneurship, Customer Service, Leadership, Resume Writing, Dressing for Success, Interview Skills, Etiquette & Decorum, Conflict Resolution and Spirituality.

In addition to the soft skills training, the participants receive training in Microsoft Office Suite and can vie for scholarships to BTVI.


During the 16 Days of Activism each year, ZONP embarks on a “Say NO to Violence” Campaign to spread awareness of the need to elimination gender-based violence. The campaign runs from November 25th to December 10th.

The club uses the colour orange to spread the message. and undertakes a massive effort to “paint the town orange.”


We provide temporary housing for women who are homeless or displaced due to economic hardship, gender-based violence. Our aim is to provide them a safe space while they get back on their feet.

We also provide assistance for food. clothing and toiletries so women and their children do no go without having their basis needs met.


In a country with an unusually high incidents of breast cancer. the ZCNP recognizes that there are many women who cannot afford the port-a-cath (port) and needles required to administer their chemotherapy.

ZCNP has raised thousands of dollars to purchase ports and needles so that disadvantaged women do not have to forgo their lifesaving cancer treatments.

Get Involved

Are you ready to join the thousands of Zonta members and partners worldwide who are currently making sustainable differences to benefit women and girls?